"From the Islands to the World" is co-produced by Yannick Jackson and Sheldon Levene. The docuseries explores stories centered on their efforts to help boost economic development in the islands, the challenges local vendors face in this digital era and chronicles the journey of Caribbean entrepreneurs featured in the series.
Yannick Jackson is the owner of TFG365 Media Group - a Miami-based firm, that produces evergreen content centered on professional development and useful products to help one on the journey to greatness. Sheldon Levene is a Jamaican photographer whose drone photography and videography have captured the most picturesque areas found in Jamaica’s famous tourist destinations and the isle’s best-kept secrets. https://shop.sheldonlev.com?sca_ref=2092355.w0RwCMmWtS .
Season 1 Stories Mr. & Mrs. Charles - Elite Scholars Learning Center @commissioner_maxwell_chambers @clevelandsoldfashionedicecream @tyshometownbistro @chefrose.jamaicancuisine and a few special guests
"Faith" by @dre.barracks
"Powered Footsteps" by @chevypalm